VectorMines was written for DOS in 1994 by Vectorscope Software.
You SHOULD know how to play VectorMines. If not, the instructions can also be found online under the MISC menu. You start on a grid of hidden squares. Your cursor is the little animated square. Move it with the arrow keys. Press to reveal a square. If you are in continuous mode, you don't have to press enter to reveal. It's done automatically when you move. Press to toggle continuous mode on and off. In the lower-right hand corner of the screen next to "CN-Mode". If the light is on, you are in continuous mode. If not, you are in regular mode. The purpose of the game is to clear out all of the spaces, avoiding the mines.
The game has four difficulty levels (Easy, Moderate, Hard, Custom) and saves your best time for each level. There are several skins (including a Winmine skin) and it comes with a program to make your own graphics.
The Shareware version sold for $3 and came with an 8 second delay when loading the program. "CN Mode" opens squares when you move on them, otherwise you have to press [enter] and in both cases you do not see the number until you move elsewhere.
Version History
A list of all known versions sorted by platform then version. Email admin@ if you have more! See the Downloads section for available files.
Original release.
Fixed spelling mistakes and added the Catalogue file.