Minesweeper Game Downloads

Bomb Squad

  • Year
  • Strategy
    Flag mines
  • Platform
    DOS || MS-DOS

Bomb Squad - Game Overview

Bomb Squad was written for DOS in 1993 by Brian McKiernan.

Many people who have the most popular of the "graphical user interface" operating systems installed on their computers told me what a great time they have with one of the games that comes with it. I tried the game, and sure enough it was pretty neat. However, I don't have that "graphical user interface" installed on my computer (and since I have a '286 with "only" 2 meg of RAM, I probably never will). But I do have a mouse, A VGA monitor and nothing to do after midnight, so I wrote BOMB SQUAD. The object of the game is simple. There are a certain number of "bombs" hidden in a 9 row by 27 column playing field. Your job is to make the playing field safe for humanity by marking the location of each of the bombs without setting one off.

After you've started the game and passed the opening screen, you'll be asked to select how many bombs you want to have in the playing field. Since the size of the playing field stays the same, you make the game more or less difficult by hiding more or fewer bombs. You can select either a fixed number of bombs (10, 20, 30, 40 or 50), or you can let the computer select a random number of bombs in the range of 20-50.

One interesting feature is the ability to drag the mouse cursor over squares, instead of clicking, to open them. The grid size does not change instead you change the number of mines. A strange feature is that "openings" only partly open and you need to click several times to open all empty squares. Bomb Squad saves your best time for each level but there are no questionmarks or chording. The author wrote a profile years later with the amusing note: "Actually put a program on the shareware market in '93. It was a "Minesweeper" clone called "Bomb Squad" that ran under DOS. Thousands of downloads from CompuServe and various BBS's. A couple of complimentary e-mails. Not a single registration."

Version History

A list of all known versions sorted by platform then version. Email admin@ if you have more! See the Downloads section for available files.



Screenshots are sorted by platform then version.

Bomb Squad 1.1 - Lost game
Bomb Squad 1.1 - Welcome screen
Bomb Squad 1.1 - Won game
Bomb Squad 1.1 - Highscores
Bomb Squad 1.1 - Instructions
Bomb Squad 1.1 - Menu


Versions are listed by platform, version, year, earliest known date and source of the date information.

ZIP (EXE)English


People and companies are listed by platform, version, name, role and source of the information.

Brian McKiernanCopyrightDocumentation
Emerald City SoftwareWelcome screen

Game Links

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Entity Links

Dead sites are often available at archive.org.

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