The game is played on a 10*10 grid with 10 visible rocks and 15 hidden mines. You win by navigating from the bottom left corner to the top right corner. A counter tells you the number of mines touching your location. The count is in all directions; however, you can only move vertically and horizontally.
The "batteries" in your mine detector stop working after 20 moves. You cannot move onto a rock and if you attempt to move off the grid the game warns "stay on the minefield coward!". You move by entering U (up), D (down), L (left) or R (right) using the teletype.
After the game ends you are given the option to see your path and where the mines were hidden.
Since the game was written for a PDP-11/45 connected to a DECwriter, the game appears on the screen one line at a time (as if it were being printed to paper) and the grid is printed again after each move.
Code was published in Personal Computer World magazine in March 1979 with instructions for converting to Commodore PET BASIC.
The following attributes can be used to map the evolution of Minesweeper. Blue cells are confirmed attributes for official versions of Minefield. Yellow cells are unknown.
No images have been added for this release.
Personal Computer World (March 1979) || Collect ID 30 || Edition ID 59 || 1979