Minesweeper Game Database

Minefield (1981)

Minefield was written for the Acorn Atom in 1981 and published by Bug-Byte Software.

The game is a 32*16 grid and you need to get 10 soldiers to the bottom right corner. The game beeps if you are near a hidden mine. A soldier will appear in a random location and you navigate using the keyboard. If you reach the bottom right corner or hit a mine the next soldier will appear. You can walk over dead soldiers and the bottom corner will display the number of soldiers who have survived.

A timer appears in the top left corner. You score is the time taken plus a two minute penalty per dead soldier.

Minefield is a 4K game and is written in Atom BASIC. This is an unusual variant of BASIC that allows assembly language in the code.

  • - Acorn Atom

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Game Lineage
Direct parent is currently unknown.

Game Attributes

The following attributes can be used to map the evolution of Minesweeper. Blue cells are confirmed attributes for official versions of Minefield. Yellow cells are unknown.

Mined-Out (1983)
Minefield Variants
Minefield (1979)
Mines (1987)
Minesweeper (1990)
Minesweeper Variants

[ ALL ] [ Acorn Atom ]

ID 255
[Machine] Acorn Atom
Published no later than .

No downloads have been added for this release.

[ ALL ] [ Acorn Atom ]

ID 255
[Machine] Acorn Atom
Published no later than .

No images have been added for this release.

[ ALL ] [ Acorn Atom ]

ID 255
[Machine] Acorn Atom
Published no later than .

No credits have been added for this release.

[ ALL ] [ Acorn Atom ]

There are no known covers for this game.

[ ALL ] [ ID 255 ]


No advertisements have been added for this game.

[ ALL ] [ ID 255 ]

No trivia been added for this game.

[ ALL ] [ ID 255 ]
