Dyslexia Beater was designed by two psychologists and consists of three games; Desert of Durg, Crossing the Braax and Escape from Dyslexion. The games were sold separately for £9.95 or with the book "Overcoming Dyslexia" for £12.95.
According to a review in Your Computer: The first game. Desert of Durg, appears to cater for directional confusion. You have to guide Dyslexia Beater to the River Braax, avoiding mines and, on later screens, monsters. It is a standaid format game of the type that presents you with a map of a minefield. You tiptoe round this using the keyboard. Then you have to do it again - but this time the mines are invisible. You have to follow the instructions which are displayed on the right-hand side of the screen. They warn you that mines are to the right, left, above, below. The pink monsters which appear later mean you have to do a bit of strategic thinking to figure out how to avoid them.
The other games involve catching falling letters and following directions. Each game has three skill levels. The monsters in Desert of Durg are inspired by the Escape genre of games (where robots move towards you each step you take and you need to lure them into objects).
The following attributes can be used to map the evolution of Minesweeper. Blue cells are confirmed attributes for official versions of Dyslexia Beater. Yellow cells are unknown.