Tread carefully, danger lies all around. Pity you can't see it but that's the way in these minefields. Take it easy and reach the other side safely and you'll be rewarded with another more difficult level. You might even find some damsels in dire need of rescuing. It's a great version of an old favourite ready for you to feed into your Beeb. Full instructions are contained within the game itself so you won't have to waste any more time reading this boring blurb.
You are shown mine locations for a few seconds at the start of each new level. You can also see the mines by pressing [H] but this will cost you 20 points and can only be used once per level. Bonus points are available for each level if you reach HOME quickly enough.
The following attributes can be used to map the evolution of Minesweeper. Blue cells are confirmed attributes for official versions of Mines!. Yellow cells are unknown.
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