If you have spent all day play ing zap zap zoom whheeeoow type games and you're feeling a little shell shocked, this game from M Durrant, of Blandford, Dorset, won' t cure you but it will give your space - legs a rest. The object of the game is to find your way across the minefield from one corner (S) to the opposite corner (F), You are not shown where the mines are (of course) but you are told what mines are on the surrounding squares. Using this information as a clue you should be able to cross the field. As you progress across the minefield there are bonus points to be gained by going through the flags. In fact the more you explore, before reaching the final destination, the higher your score will be.
The following attributes can be used to map the evolution of Minesweeper. Blue cells are confirmed attributes for official versions of Minefield. Yellow cells are unknown.
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