Landmine uses the concept first presented in RLOGIC by Conway, Wayne and Chung. Landmine is basically the same game using color and graphics and eliminating some of the bells and whistles (such as the annoying music) found in the original. While the concept is the same as RLOGIC, the programming is completely new. Several things have been done to prevent some of the no-win situations found in the original version of the game.
The grid is 14*9 (one column less than RLOGIC) and claims to allow 10 to 40 mines but a bug limits the number mines to 32. There are two distinct EXE files but the gameplay appears to be identical.
Ludwig told msgame (2013) that he wrote Landmine after seeing Relentless Logic and deciding to improve the game. It was written in BASIC and uploaded to several BBS sites.
The following attributes can be used to map the evolution of Minesweeper. Blue cells are confirmed attributes for official versions of Landmine. Yellow cells are unknown.
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