Minesweeper Game Database

Mine Field (1981)

Mine Field was published in 1981 for the ZX81 by Richard Altwasser.

The object of this game is to traverse the minefield without being blown up. There are 10 mines planted randomly in the field and you must negotiate your way from the top left corner to the bottom right without treading on one. Fortunately, you have a mine detector with you which will start registering a mine when it is less than five moves away. The number appearing in the top left corner of the screen indicates the proximity of a mine the higher the number the nearer you are. You can move in one of four directions by pressing the cursor movement keys 5 to 8.

The game was published in the book "30 Programs for the ZX81".

  • 1981 - Sinclair ZX81

No companies have been added for this game.

  • Richard Francis Altwasser

Game Lineage
Direct parent is currently unknown.

Game Attributes

The following attributes can be used to map the evolution of Minesweeper. Blue cells are confirmed attributes for official versions of Mine Field. Yellow cells are unknown.

Mined-Out (1983)
Minefield Variants
Minefield (1979)
Mines (1987)
Minesweeper (1990)
Minesweeper Variants

[ ALL ] [ Sinclair ZX81 ]

ID 136
[BASIC] Sinclair BASIC
[Machine] Sinclair ZX81 (1K)
Published no later than 1981-06-30. Code was published in "30 Programs for the ZX81" first advertised in the June 1981 issue of Your Computer magazine.


[ ALL ] [ Sinclair ZX81 ]

ID 136
[BASIC] Sinclair BASIC
[Machine] Sinclair ZX81 (1K)
Published no later than 1981-06-30. Code was published in "30 Programs for the ZX81" first advertised in the June 1981 issue of Your Computer magazine.

New game
New game
Lost game
Lost game
Won game
Won game

[ ALL ] [ Sinclair ZX81 ]

ID 136
[BASIC] Sinclair BASIC
[Machine] Sinclair ZX81 for 1K
Published no later than 1981-06-30.

Richard Francis Altwasser
source: 30 Programs for the ZX81
as "Richard Francis"
"Published by"
Richard Francis Altwasser
source: 30 Programs for the ZX81
as "Richard Francis"

[ ALL ] [ Sinclair ZX81 ]


30 Programs for the ZX81 (The Cambridge Edition) || Collect ID 28 || Edition ID 57 || 0950765813 (ISBN10)

Cover (front)
Cover (front)
Cover (back)
Cover (back)

[ ALL ] [ ID 136 ]

Your Computer Vol. 1 No. 2 (1981)

[ ALL ] [ ID 136 ]

  • Altwasser was hired by Sinclair Research in September 1980. Along with Steve Vickers he designed and built the ZX Spectrum. He left in 1982 and formed Jupiter Cantab where he released the Jupiter Ace microcomputer.
  • In the EightyOne emulator drag the file onto the screen and select "accept alternate keyword spellings" then type RUN.

[ ALL ] [ ID 136 ]
