Select a space that has not yet been uncovered. A space with one or more points indicates the number of mines by which it is surrounded. Use your powers of deduction to locate the mines while at the same time avoiding them. You can place or remove flags on one or several spaces. Use these flags as a marker indicating where you believe the mines to be located. If you uncover a mine, it will explode and the game is lost. If you locate all of the spaces that contain no mines, you win the round. The number of mines present in the game is dependent on the game level chosen. The game ends when there are no more mines remaining to be located. The mines are generally identified by the player with a flag. The ColecoVision will add flags where uncovered mines were located once the game has ended.
The cartridge includes 12 official games (Explosion, Gomoku, Isola, Memory Match, Minesweeper, Reversi, Tetrad, Tiouk Tiouk, Treasure, Tank vs UFO, Rocket Command, Killer Comet) and two hidden games.
The game is an obvious Minesweeper clone. Game Pack #2 was a collection of popular puzzle games.
The following attributes can be used to map the evolution of Minesweeper. Blue cells are confirmed attributes for official versions of Minesweeper. Yellow cells are unknown.
No images have been added for this release.