The object of the game is to find all mines without being "blown up". The location of the mines is discovered by a process of logic. Clicking on the game board will reveal what is hidden underneath the chosen square or squares (a large number of blank squares may be revealed in one go if they are adjacent to each other). Some squares are blank but some contain numbers (1 to 8 ), each number being the number of mines adjacent to the uncovered square. To help avoid hitting a mine, the location of a suspected mine can be marked by flagging it. The game is won once all mines have been flagged. 1, 2 and 3 generates a new game at the corresponding level (1=Beginner, 2=Intermediate and 3=Expert). E, S, D and X moves the cursor around. Q reveals a square. W sets or removes a flag.
The final version (1.3) was released on cartridge.
The forum posts in which the game is discussed refer to the Windows version of the game. The three levels (9*9, 16*16, 30*16) are the same.
The following attributes can be used to map the evolution of Minesweeper. Blue cells are confirmed attributes for official versions of Minesweeper. Yellow cells are unknown.
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Minesweeper (Game Pack #2) (ColecoVision) || Collect ID 104 || Edition ID 194 || 2004
Minesweeper (TI99/4A) || Collect ID 105 || Edition ID 195 || 2015
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