The goal of the game is to collect 15 hearts while avoiding hidden mines. There are no clues to help you avoid the mines. You have 3 lives and can use the F1 button to jump to a random location or the F7 button to detonate the 8 cells around your location (a maximum of 5 times). You navigate using the I,J,K,M keys. You lose the game when you run out of lives or if you fail to complete the game in 60 seconds. The game remembers your best score.
The following attributes can be used to map the evolution of Minesweeper. Blue cells are confirmed attributes for official versions of Minas Ocultas. Yellow cells are unknown.
Commodore Magazine (No. 9, 1984) || Collect ID 149 || Edition ID 244 || 1984 || 0907563341 (ISBN10)