Minesweeper Game Database

Minefield (1985)

Minefield was written for the VIC 20 in 1985 by Paul Randall.

Minefield is a program based around a very simple idea. All you have to do is cross the minefield, but this is not as easy as it may first seem. For a start, all the mines are hidden. The solution for this is obvious - get a mine detector. Unfortunately, yours is defective. While it will tell you how many mines surround you, it won't tell you where they are. You've got to work that our yourself. The only help you've got is the fact that as you move over a square it is filled in. This means you can see the "safe" areas.

Incidentally, if your detector (top left corner) reads safe, that means there are no mines either up, down, left or right. To move, enter U(p) D(own) L(eft) R(ight). Head for the H and once you've made it (or been blown up) you'll get a chance to review your moves with the mines on the screen (no, you can't change a move!). This can be very revealing. There are six levels, each higher level adds 25 more mines. Good luck!

The H (home) location changes with each game.

  • 1985 - Commodore VIC-20

No companies have been added for this game.

  • Paul Randall

Game Lineage
Mined-Out (1983)

The game is a simplified clone of Mined-Out.

Game Attributes

The following attributes can be used to map the evolution of Minesweeper. Blue cells are confirmed attributes for official versions of Minefield. Yellow cells are unknown.

Mined-Out (1983)
Minefield Variants
Minefield (1979)
Mines (1987)
Minesweeper (1990)
Minesweeper Variants

[ ALL ] [ Commodore VIC-20 ]

ID 224
[Machine] Commodore VIC-20 (Unexpanded)
Published no later than 1985-03-31. Code was published in the March 1985 issue of Your Commodore Magazine.

ZIP (T64)
Virtual cassette. Use LIST to see code.
Your Commodore listing.

[ ALL ] [ Commodore VIC-20 ]

ID 224
[Machine] Commodore VIC-20 (Unexpanded)
Published no later than 1985-03-31. Code was published in the March 1985 issue of Your Commodore Magazine.

Instructions 01
Instructions 01
Instructions 02
Instructions 02
Lost game
Lost game
New game
New game

[ ALL ] [ Commodore VIC-20 ]

ID 224
[Machine] Commodore VIC-20 for Unexpanded
Published no later than 1985-03-31.

Paul Randall
source: Your Commodore
as "P. Randall"

[ ALL ] [ Commodore VIC-20 ]


Your Commodore Magazine (Issue 6, March 1985) || Collect ID 155 || Edition ID 250 || 1985

Cover (front)
Cover (front)
First page of listing
First page of listing

[ ALL ] [ ID 224 ]


No advertisements have been added for this game.

[ ALL ] [ ID 224 ]

No trivia been added for this game.

[ ALL ] [ ID 224 ]
