Landmine was written in 1983 in BASIC for the VIC-20.
The game was included in "Vic Games" (pages 58-64) by Nick Hampshire in 1983. It was submitted by Dave Richards. The field is a 19x18 grid and starts with 10 mines. Mines are displayed after winning or losing. Your task is to find a path from the top left corner to the bottom right corner using a mine detector. Winning or losing starts a new game with 2 more mines each time. There is no timer and no highscores. You move using number keys, including diagonals. Press [E] to end the game.
A list of all known versions sorted by platform then version. Email admin@ if you have more! See the Downloads section for available files.
BASIC | NA | Published in 1983. |
Screenshots are sorted by platform then version.
Versions are listed by platform, version, year, earliest known date and source of the date information.
BASIC | NA | 1983 | Copyright |
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