Minesweeper Game Downloads


  • Year
  • Strategy
    Flag Mines AND Clear Mines
  • Platform
    DOS || MS-DOS 3.30

D-Mineur - Game Overview

D-mineur was written for DOS in 1994 by Cyril Kohler.

The Demo version only allows you to play Debutant (10x10, 10 mines) and Moyen (15x15, 25 mines) but there is also an Expert mode and Custom mode. Controls are the same as the Windows Minesweeper version with flags, questionmarks and chords but to win the game you must open all safe squares and flag all mines. The Highscore list saves your best 10 scores for level but the Demo version erases the scores when you close the game.

Demo Version 1.2 Beta was Shareware for $10 or 50FF and requires at least MS-DOS 3.30. A bonus feature is that the game comes with a screensaver!

Version History

A list of all known versions sorted by platform then version. Email admin@ if you have more! See the Downloads section for available files.

DOS1.2 BetaFirst public release.


Screenshots are sorted by platform then version.

D-Mineur 1.2 Beta - Lost game
D-Mineur 1.2 Beta - Won game
D-Mineur 1.2 Beta - Highscores list
D-Mineur 1.2 Beta - Shareware notice
D-Mineur 1.2 Beta - Custom options


Versions are listed by platform, version, year, earliest known date and source of the date information.

DOS1.2 Beta19941994-10-01Timestamp
ZIP (EXE)French


People and companies are listed by platform, version, name, role and source of the information.

DOS1.2 Beta
Cyril KohlerByDocumentation

Game Links

Dead sites are often available at archive.org.

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Entity Links

Dead sites are often available at archive.org.

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