Mine Mayhem was originally written for DOS in 1996 by Jason Hood.
The game was inspired by a Windows version called Cheatmine and includes many of its features but not its cheats. Features include auto-flagging (flagging obvious mines), auto-clearing (chording when mines are flagged), choosing how to chord (left, middle, right button), making the first click safe or unsafe, the ability to wrap numbers around the board and the option to show mines at the end of the game. You can also play clearing mode (Windows Minesweeper) or crossing mode (Relentless Logic). The Highscore list saves your best times for each mode and level with decimal time to thousandths. Custom games allows densities between 10% and 50% with size limited only by your monitor resolution (640x480 allows 39x24 with 468 mines) and you can save your favourite custom grids. There is also an option to play random games.
Clearing mode is identical to Windows Minesweeper with three difficulty levels (8x8 with 10 mines, 16x16 with 40 mines and 30x16 with 99 mines) and standard gameplay with flags, questionmarks and chording. Crossing mode requires you to find a path from the top left corner to the bottom left corner.
Mine Mayhem is Freeware and also comes with source code. In summary, it is probably the most advanced and complete Minesweeper game for DOS.
Version History
A list of all known versions sorted by platform then version. Email admin@ if you have more! See the Downloads section for available files.
Original release.
Added hexagon tiles (in a rectangular grid) and hexagonal tiles (in a hexagonal grid).
Minor bug fixes with some changes to sound and graphics.
Fixed a bug with the Highscores.
Changed Beginner to 9x9, increased Highscores to 10 per level (by removing the slowest 5 scores list), added 3BV and 3BV/s with improved statistics, removed Highscores for Clearing mode and standardised options such as chording (left click) and flagging (left click on number).
Beta version released for Windows 32 bit with no Help File.