1MineField was written for OS/2 in 1992 by Chris Pratt.
Your Mission, should you choose to accept it, is to mark all of the hidden mines in the playing field without stepping on any. If you fail, not only will the secretary disavow any knowledge of your mission, you will be blown to smithereens.
MineField is a clone of Windows Minesweeper and has the same difficulty levels (8x8 with 10 mines, 16x16 with 40 mines, 30x16 with 99 mines and Custom up to 30x24 with 667 mines). It even perfectly copied the original menu with options for colour and sound plus starting games with [F2]. You can flag mines and use questionmarks but there is no chording and you can lose on the first click. You win either by flagging all mines or opening all safe squares. Written in the TopSpeed Modula 2 progamming language.
A list of all known versions sorted by platform then version. Email admin@ if you have more! See the Downloads section for available files.
OS/2 | NA | First release. |
Screenshots are sorted by platform then version.
Versions are listed by platform, version, year, earliest known date and source of the date information.
OS/2 | NA | 1992 | 1992-11-15 | Timestamp |
People and companies are listed by platform, version, name, role and source of the information.
OS/2 | NA |
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