Robert Donner and Curt Johnson wrote Mine for Windows in 1990 while working at Microsoft. The original game was written by Johnson for OS/2 with Donner adding new features and coding the game for Windows 3.0. Win Mine was released at work under the joke label Duff Software.
Win Mine 2.6 has two versions which are identical except for the size of the foot cursor which explodes when stepping on a mine. Standard levels are 8x8 with 10 mines, 16x16 with 40 mines and 25x25 with 99 mines. You win when all mines have been marked with a mine icon and when all safe squares have been opened. There are no highscores and the optional Timer counts down to zero at which point you lose the game. Chording opens all adjacent squares unless you select the 'Safe Step' option which only opens adjacent squares when enough mines have been marked. Options include Sound and Questionmarks. There is no menu but Help and Preferences are accessed from the About box. The Help file mentions colleagues and makes numerous jokes.
Win Mine 2.8 introduced standard Windows 3.0 colours with the Title bar becoming blue and the squares becoming grey.
Win Mine 2.9 introduced an optional Menu bar and a new sound option for Ticking. Maximum game size was reduced to 24x24 and the 'Safe Step' option became standard gameplay. A more professional Help file was written.
Version History
A list of all known versions sorted by platform then version. Email admin@ if you have more! See the Downloads section for available files.