Minesweeper Game Downloads

Mine Sweeper Borg

  • Year
  • Strategy
    Flag Mines
  • Platform

Mine Sweeper Borg - Game Overview

Mine Sweeper Borg was written for OS2 (eComStation) in 2002 by Chris Angelico.

The game has 4 difficulty levels of 10x10 (15 mines), 15x15 (40 mines), 25x25 (140 mines) and 30x30 (300 mines). You can also play Custom games. To win you must flag the mines.

The interesting feature of Mine Sweeper Borg is the automated player. The "borg" will flag a batch of solveable mines and pressing the borg menu several times is often eough to win the game.

The game requires VROBJ.DLL and it works on eComStation.

Version History

A list of all known versions sorted by platform then version. Email admin@ if you have more! See the Downloads section for available files.

OS/21.00Original beta release.


Screenshots are sorted by platform then version.

Mine Sweeper Borg 1.00 - Gameplay
Mine Sweeper Borg 1.00 - Won game
Mine Sweeper Borg 1.00 - Win box
Mine Sweeper Borg 1.00 - Custom options


Versions are listed by platform, version, year, earliest known date and source of the date information.

ZIP (EXE)English


People and companies are listed by platform, version, name, role and source of the information.

Chris AngelicoAuthorWebsite

Game Links

Dead sites are often available at archive.org.

  • http://www.kepl.com.au/esstu/mineborg.html

Entity Links

Dead sites are often available at archive.org.

  • ecsoft2.org/chris-angelico
    eComStation author page.

  • kepl.com.au/esstu/swindex.html
    Chris Angelico software site.