Minesweeper Game Downloads

Mine Seeker


  • Year
  • Strategy
    Clear Mines
  • Platform
    DOS || 3.50

Mine Seeker - Game Overview

Mine Seeker was written for MS-DOS in 2001 by Béla Valek.

The game was written in PowerBASIC for MS-DOS 3.50 running on a VAX/VMS machine. You can choose from 1 to 80 columns and 1 to 50 rows. The game allows mines from 1 to X*Y so you can have 100% density! There are no highscores but the timer reports your score to 4 decimal places. There is no chording but you can flag mines and use questionmarks.

Version History

A list of all known versions sorted by platform then version. Email admin@ if you have more! See the Downloads section for available files.

DOS1.0Original release
DOS1.1Added game summary.


Screenshots are sorted by platform then version.

Mine Seeker 1.1 - Won game
Mine Seeker 1.1 - Options
Mine Seeker 1.1 - Lost game
Mine Seeker 1.1 - Introduction screen


Versions are listed by platform, version, year, earliest known date and source of the date information.

ZIP (EXE)Code English, PowerBASIC


People and companies are listed by platform, version, name, role and source of the information.

Béla ValekCopyrightDocumentation
Béla ValekCopyrightDocumentation

Game Links

Dead sites are often available at archive.org.

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Entity Links

Dead sites are often available at archive.org.

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