Minesweeper Game Downloads

Relentless Logic

RLogic, Logic

  • Year
  • Strategy
    Find Path
  • Platform
    DOS || MS-DOS

Relentless Logic - Game Overview

Relentless Logic was written by Conway, Hong and Smith for MS-DOS in the early 1980s.

You are an US Marine who must navigate across a minefield to the Command Centre. The grid is 15x9 with 10 to 40 mines. You move using arrow keys and when you are on a square the game tells you how many mines touch that square. There is no way to mark known mines. There are no Highscores but you are awarded points for taking less time and making fewer moves. Stepping on a mine ends the game with explosions and sound effects.

There are four visually identical versions of the game with one COM file and three EXE files available. The game is monochrome despite 8 bit CGA colour becoming available in 1981. A clone called Landmine was published in 1984 and credits the authors of Relentless Logic as Conway, Wayne and Chung. All known versions have a spelling mistake ('bought to you') on the Welcome screen and when you lose several games in a row the explosion soundtrack queues and plays almost non-stop.

Version History

A list of all known versions sorted by platform then version. Email admin@ if you have more! See the Downloads section for available files.



Screenshots are sorted by platform then version.

Relentless Logic NA - Won game
Relentless Logic NA - Welcome screen
Relentless Logic NA - Lost game
Relentless Logic NA - Lost game
Relentless Logic NA - Gameplay
Relentless Logic NA - Instructions
Relentless Logic NA - Instructions
Relentless Logic NA - Instructions
Relentless Logic NA - Instructions
Relentless Logic NA - Landmine instructions
Relentless Logic NA - Instructions
Relentless Logic NA - Instructions
Relentless Logic NA - Instructions
Relentless Logic NA - Instructions
Relentless Logic NA - Lost game
Relentless Logic NA - Won game
Relentless Logic NA - Welcome screen
Relentless Logic NA - Welcome screen
Relentless Logic NA - Instructions
Relentless Logic NA - Instructions
Relentless Logic NA - Instructions
Relentless Logic NA - Instructions
Relentless Logic NA - Won game
Relentless Logic NA - Lost game
Relentless Logic NA - Won game
Relentless Logic NA - Welcome screen
Relentless Logic NA - Options
Relentless Logic NA - Lost game
Relentless Logic NA - Instructions
Relentless Logic NA - Instructions
Relentless Logic NA - Instructions
Relentless Logic NA - Gameplay


Versions are listed by platform, version, year, earliest known date and source of the date information.

ZIP (COM)English
ZIP (EXE)English
ZIP (EXE)English
ZIP (EXE)English


People and companies are listed by platform, version, name, role and source of the information.

ConwayByWelcome screen
HongByWelcome screen
SmithByWelcome screen
ConwayByWelcome screen
HongByWelcome screen
SmithByWelcome screen
ConwayByWelcome screen
HongByWelcome screen
SmithByWelcome screen
ConwayByWelcome screen
HongByWelcome screen
SmithByWelcome screen

Game Links

Dead sites are often available at archive.org.

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Entity Links

Dead sites are often available at archive.org.

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