OPENetwork Mswpr
OPENsweeper was written for Windows in 1993 by John Lowenthal.
The game has four difficulty levels of Children's (10x10 with 12 mines), Beginner (8x8 with 10 mines), Intermediate (16x16 with 40 mines) and Expert (30x16 with 99 mines). You can flag and chord but there are no questionmarks. The game saves your best time for each level.
OPENsweeper comes with several enhancements from Windows Minesweeper. There is a "SuggestMove" function that will highlight a safe square (green) or a mine (red) or tell you that you are stymied. You can play in "Forgiveness" mode which lets you continue playing after hitting mines. There is the ability to save a partly completed game and re-play it later with the unopened cells containing the same mine arrangement or a new mine arrangement consistent with the existing numbers. It is also possible to save your game and load it into a scoring function which gives you a score out of 1000 penalising you for unecessary guessing.
The Help file mentions Lowenthal wrote a 150 page book about the game!
A list of all known versions sorted by platform then version. Email admin@ if you have more! See the Downloads section for available files.
Win16 | 0.6 Beta |
Screenshots are sorted by platform then version.
Versions are listed by platform, version, year, earliest known date and source of the date information.
Win16 | 0.6 Beta | 1996 | 1996-02-03 | Documentation |
People and companies are listed by platform, version, name, role and source of the information.
Win16 | 0.6 Beta |
Dead sites are often available at
Dead sites are often available at