Minesweeper Game Downloads

Minesweeper X


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Minesweeper X - Game Overview

Minesweeper X was written for Windows in 2003 by Curtis Bright.

The early versions imitated Windows Minesweeper but added many new features. MSX included options to edit boards, see mine locations and continue playing after clicking a mine. There were three skins (Black & White, Windows 95, Windows 98) and an editor to create new skins. You could play Custom games up top 40*40 with 95% density. The Counter showed decimal time, 3BV, 3BVs, clicks, useful clicks and you could save statistics to a text file. It was also possible to save boards, edit boards and search for boards with a particular 3BV.

Version 1.00 was released in 2004 and removed all cheating options. It introduced videos which became accepted for world rankings at minesweepergame. Later versions improved the video format, added autosave video functions and the ability to save names in videos, increased the size of Custom games (unlimited), improved statistics and improved the random number generator used to create boards. You can download more than a dozen skins or create your own.

Minesweeper X is the most accurate clone of Windows Minesweeper and perfectly imitates original mouse and keyboard behaviour.

Version History

A list of all known versions sorted by platform then version. Email admin@ if you have more! See the Downloads section for available files.

Win320.01Original release.
Win320.34Final version with cheat options. Custom from 1*1 to 40*40 with 95% density, options to see mine locations, edit boards and survive clicking on mines. Statistics for 3BV, click totals and effective clicks. Ability to search for boards with a specific 3BV and to save boards to replay.
Win321.00Game re-written and all cheating options removed. Added ability to record videos.
Win321.01changed cursor size. Different frame refresh rates for Windows XP (100 fps) compared to older versions (20 fps).
Win321.02Minor update to reduced Windows XP video frame rate to 40 fps.
Win321.03Minor update to remove ability to change Questionmark option during video replay.
Win321.04Disabled ability to record Custom videos.
Win321.10Improved video recording and added back ability to record Custom games. Introduced autosave feature and statistics file.
Win321.11Added option to automatically close MSX after a set amount of time.
Win321.12Fixed bug with Counter window.
Win321.13Improved video recording. Replicated the exact way Windows Minesweeper opens openings and replicated exact way Windows Minesweeper uses the middle mouse button.
Win321.13.1Fixed borders on small grids and updated instructions for making skins.
Win321.14Fixed bugs relating to very large boards, the LED and video timestamps. Increased timer to 10,000s and density to 99% with ability to drag videos onto MSX to play them.
Win321.14.1Fixed 3BV bug in statistics file (introduced by 1.14).
Win321.14.2Fixed bug relating to 3BV counter (introduced by 1.14.1).
Win321.15Ability to save player name in videos and to replay videos by pressing the letter "r".
Win321.16Ability to place more than 9999 mines. If you are recording statistics you can be notified of NF and 3BVs records not just Time records. Option to save session statistics. Improved random number generator.


Screenshots are sorted by platform then version.

Minesweeper X 0.34 - Windows 95 skin
Minesweeper X 0.34 - Visible mines
Minesweeper X 0.34 - Highscores
Minesweeper X 0.34 - Help file
Minesweeper X 0.34 - Edit mode
Minesweeper X 0.34 - Black & White skin
Minesweeper X 0.34 - About Box
Minesweeper X 0.34 - 3BV Search
Minesweeper X 1.13.1 - Lost game
Minesweeper X 1.13.1 - Highscores
Minesweeper X 1.13.1 - Autosave options
Minesweeper X 1.13.1 - About box
Minesweeper X 1.13.1 - Symbol skin
Minesweeper X 1.14.2 - About box
Minesweeper X 1.14.2 - Autosave options
Minesweeper X 1.14.2 - Help file
Minesweeper X 1.14.2 - Lost game
Minesweeper X 1.15 - About Box
Minesweeper X 1.15 - Autosave options
Minesweeper X 1.15 - Help file
Minesweeper X 1.15 - Highscores
Minesweeper X 1.15 - Lost game
Minesweeper X 1.15 - Statistics menu
Minesweeper X 1.16 - About Box
Minesweeper X 1.16 - Highscores
Minesweeper X 1.16 - Lost Expert game
Minesweeper X 1.16 - Lost Custom game
Minesweeper X 1.16 - Online Help file
Minesweeper X 1.16 - Statistics menu
Minesweeper X 1.16 - Autosave options
Minesweeper X 1.16 - Vista skin
Minesweeper X 1.16 - Super Mario skin
Minesweeper X 1.16 - Narkomania skin
Minesweeper X 1.16 - Colours skin


Versions are listed by platform, version, year, earliest known date and source of the date information.

ZIP (EXE)English
ZIP (EXE)English
ZIP (EXE)English
ZIP (EXE)English
ZIP (EXE)English


People and companies are listed by platform, version, name, role and source of the information.

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Game Links

Dead sites are often available at archive.org.

  • http://www.curtisbright.com/msx/

  • https://www.student.cs.uwaterloo.ca/~cbright/minex/

  • http://geocities.com/brightprojects/minesweeper/minesweeper.html

Entity Links

Dead sites are often available at archive.org.

  • student.cs.uwaterloo.ca/~cbright/

  • curtisbright.com

  • https://www.linkedin.com/in/curtis-bright-91312a148
    LinkedIn profile for Curtis Bright.

  • geocities.com/brightprojects/