Moscow 2010 National Tournament

Russia Minesweeper Championship 2010 (Meeting Result)
Player I E Sum 5&5 Penalty
1 Roman Gammel 13.856 49.696 63.552 327.985
2 Pavel Mishin 13.976 47.993 61.969 336.728
3 Arsen Balishyan 15.173 55.817 70.990 375.326
4 Ramil Gafiyatov 14.072 58.204 72.276 410.695
5 Konstantin Forofontov 15.658 63.948 79.606 430.086
6 Andrey Deviatkin 18.593 65.612 84.205 465.261
7 Victor Suglobov 17.974 73.439 91.413 482.032
8 Arvo Leinsoo 20.246 69.543 89.789 521.777
9 Eduard Yumagulov 20.656 79.460 100.116 549.017
10 Alexander Azargaev 25.561 92.604 118.165 611.154
11 Julia Roizner 26.968 97.432 124.400 656.834
12 Ruzilya Gafiyatova 72.032 DNF DNF 7241.816 999.999 x7


You can download all videos from the tournament.


Players were ranked on the sum of their best 5 Intermediate and 5 Expert games and had 3 hours to play Minesweeper using Clone 2007. Each unfinished game was given a penalty of 999.999 seconds. The tournament used RT+1 but all scores have been converted to Real Time.


The tournament was organised by Roman Gammel and took place on 27 November 2010 at a computer club in Moscow (Playground). Plans for simultaneous competitions in other cities did not work this year as not enough players outside Moscow could compete. were uploaded automatically to the internet and live results were broadcast using a program was written by one of the participants, Sergey Pastukhov. The tournament began at 13:00 and finished 16:00. Trophies were awarded to the best 3 players and everyone received a certificate. Two players joined the Tournament Ranking and 5 players improved 7 previous scores.

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