Stirling 2009 World Championship

Stirling World Minesweeper Championship 2009 (Meeting Results)
Player I E Sum 5&5 Penalty
1 Fritz Löhr 14.94 47.65 62.59 324.69
2 Damien Moore 14.95 53.25 68.20 354.56
3 David Greer 17.64 51.19 68.93 391.47
4 Bertie Seyffert 18.12 55.04 73.16 395.97
5 Edu Cros 18.50 63.24 81.74 434.22
6 Gergely Nagy 19.15 60.81 79.96 438.60
7 Jonian Grazhdani 20.70 66.45 97.15 1401.59 999.99 x1
8 Yvonne Plenderleith 58.24 254.75 312.99 1802.64
9 Jennifer Bambrough 22.54 124.72 147.26 3409.85 999.99 x3


You can download all videos from the tournament including practice session videos.


Players were ranked on the sum of their best 5 Intermediate and 5 Expert games and had 3 hours to play Minesweeper using Clone 2007 Release 2. Each unfinished game was given a penalty of 999.999 seconds. The tournament used RT+1 but all scores have been converted to Real Time.


The 9th World Minesweeper Championship took place 20 June 2009 at the University of Stirling in computer lab 2A17. The tournament started at 1500 and players competed for 3 hours with a 10 minute break at the end of each hour. Live results were displayed online using a program written by Damien to upload completed games. Trophies were awarded to the best 3 players and everyone received a certificate.


Damien wrote a detailed review of the tournament.

You can read the original announcement and view the full results.

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